
Registered unemployed, by region of birth and time of residence in Norway. Absolute figures and in per cent of persons in total aged 15-74 years in each group1
1st quarter 20171st quarter 2018
TotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and moreTotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and more
1Note that persons used as denominator give a slightly lower level of unemployed compared to percentages based on the the labour force.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Immigrants, total31 4375 0087 87618 55327 5494 0156 27417 260
The Nordic countries1 5012242691 0081 123138157828
Western Europe else1 9423175061 1191 588235382971
EU countries in Eastern Europe11 3162 7273 8424 7479 5271 9542 8764 697
Eastern Europe else2 4153523831 6802 1733093371 527
North-America and Oceania26128491842032130152
Asia28 3548251 4116 1187 5548521 1695 533
Africa4 5933941 1943 0054 5074031 1732 931
South- and Central-Amerika1 055141222692874103150621
Per cent
Immigrants, total4.
The Nordic countries2.
Western Europe else3.
EU countries in Eastern Europe6.
Eastern Europe else4.
North-America and Oceania2.
South- and Central-Amerika5.