
Participants on ordinary labour market schemes (job programmes), by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. Absolute numbers and in per cent of persons aged 15 to 74 years
1st quarter 20171st quarter 2018Change last twelve months
Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales1st quarter 2017 - 1st quarter 2018
Both sexesMalesFemales
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Participants, total21 57111 43210 13920 19310 7529 441-1 378-680-698
Non-immigrant population112 1887 6044 58410 8936 7334 160-1 295-871-424
Immigrants, total9 3833 8285 5559 3004 0195 281-83191-274
The Nordic countries25313411918911277-64-22-42
Western Europe else433237196318187131-115-50-65
EU countries in Eastern Europe1 6235261 0971 352438914-271-88-183
Eastern Europe else862277585790256534-72-21-51
North-America and Oceania593326563224-3-1-2
Asia23 4411 2532 1883 7901 5682 22234931534
Africa2 3571 2641 0932 4661 3161 1501095257
South- and Central-Amerika355104251339110229-166-22
Per cent
Participants, total0.
Non-immigrant population10.
Immigrants, total1.
The Nordic countries0.
Western Europe else0.
EU countries in Eastern Europe1.
Eastern Europe else1.
North-America and Oceania0.
South- and Central-Amerika1.