
Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
1st quarter 20172nd quarter 20173rd quarter 20174th quarter 20171st quarter 2018
11st quarter of 2016: Closed series
21st quarter of 2016: Changes in the equalization provision are discontinued. Changes in the provisions for unexpired risk is continued.
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance15 80932 69749 08365 77816 044
Gross premiums written27 36846 17760 42978 76430 265
Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-4 467-7 442-9 249-11 456-4 616
Gross change in the provision for unearned premiums-8 575-7 759-3 503-1 014-11 376
Reinsurance share1 4821 7211 406-5161 772
Claims incurred and net change in technical provisions10 70521 66433 23244 96911 952
Gross claims payment13 79526 81240 15253 96213 635
Reinsurers share of gross claims payments-1 788-3 270-5 759-7 456-1 848
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims-1 573-1 529-764-103-233
Reinsurers share, gross change in the provision for outstanding claims498-273-353-1 550369
Bonus and rebates1..........
Net change in technical provision2-228-76-4411629
Other operating income/ costs-3 026-6 315-9 182-12 520-3 123
Commision received5910914620650
Operating income, real property4920569
Other operating income9221032040887
Personell costs1 7713 5235 3327 2701 791
Commision submitted7411 5301 9682 706745
Operating costs, real property458165
Depreciations of non-financial assets6914121640591
Other operating costs5971 4432 1442 792637
Investment income /costs9801 9282 8583 6811 106
Interest income8281 6262 5393 326727
Share dividend etc.194398453535423
Interest costs429613418144
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets1 3302 0282 8354 028-1 062
Net realized gains/losses1 0591 3002 9373 459872
Net change in value270728-102569-1 934
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities4 3878 67412 36215 9981 013
Other result components-34-95-82-423-4
Tax6081 5062 4272 874538
Total Profitt/loss3 7457 0739 85412 701470
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance2 0934 7766 9708 450991