
Recievers of respite care, personal support contact, recievers with next of kins receiving pay for caring work and user-controlled assistance. Age.
Respite care
Total8 0428 0037 8957 829
0-66 years7 8327 7867 6787 615
67 years and over210217217214
Personal support contact
Total31 05531 11831 60532 326
0-66 years25 30425 09225 24425 681
67 years and over5 7516 0266 3616 645
Care recievers with next of kins receiving pay for caring workt
Total9 5569 7259 97910 099
0-66 years7 9528 1558 3368 545
67 years and over1 6041 5701 6431 554
User-controlled assistance
Total3 0143 1463 3303 509
0-66 years2 6892 7792 8663 030
67 years or older325367464479