
Investments by cost category and the point in time for the estimation. Extraction of oil and natural gas and pipeline transport. NOK million
Estimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investmentsEstimates made in May in the year of investmentsEstimates made in August in the year of investmentsEstimates made in Novenber in the year of investmentsAccrued investment costsEstimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investments
Extraction and pipeline transport143 970141 748144 333160 010156 454156 31300155 509165 10000
Total extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas141 824139 626142 363158 036154 509154 53700154 959164 46500
Exploration and concept studies26 79423 85322 92721 86324 95325 3740033 32831 15400
Field development46 70046 94647 93062 50464 11364 2120061 29166 60000
Commodities17 34818 51719 20628 45832 56829 0890025 96227 11300
Services19 90818 79020 13125 58624 25126 5040024 52927 44200
Production drilling9 4449 6408 5938 4607 2948 6190010 80012 04500
Fields on stream60 06760 66664 13765 75358 13258 0190053 57959 08400
Commodities5 3245 4886 2536 0903 5624 438004 0895 47500
Services8 8899 06711 28011 48710 97910 874009 79111 09500
Production drilling45 85446 11146 60448 17643 59142 7060039 69942 51400
Onshore activities2 1281 8541 8602 0761 8521 981001 2371 53600
Shutdown and removal6 1356 3075 5095 8405 4594 951005 5256 09100
Transport via pipelines2 1462 1221 9711 9741 9451 7760055063600