
Life insurance companies. Total utilized loans by borrower sector. NOK Million
Total60 04479 62692 722117 695127 863
Non-financial enterprises16 42515 70923 44934 54440 596
Central government enterprises..........
Other state enterprises......6050
Municipal enterprises470447288229373
Private incorporated companies11 0969 49316 06126 73131 601
Private non-profit institutions163154655
Financial enterprises4 39211 3952 3462 8992 923
State lending institutions..........
Banks2857 379......
Mortgage companies..........
Finance companies..........
Unit trust(UK)/ Mutual funds(US)..........
Other financial enterprises1 1981 6371 7861 9401 467
Life insurance companies etc...........
Non-life insurance companies..........
Financial auxiliaries1791 9355606841 260
General government19 10423 91427 96229 62432 262
Central government..........
County municipalities19 10423 91427 96229 62432 262
Household etc.11 5898 80028 16440 57942 118
Quasi-corporated private enterprises (i.e. partnership companies, joint ownership etc.)00000
Private non-profit institutions serving households00000
Unincorporated private enterprises00000
Households of employees11 4058 59628 02040 44842 015
Unspecified sector-2..1....
Rest of the world8 19519 49410 4149 6569 536