
Dental health services. Main figures
Per centPercentage change
20172016 - 2017
Dental health status
12-year-olds, per cent without any caries experience60.01.4
18-year-olds, per cent without any caries experience26.612.7
SIC-index for 12-year-olds2.60.0
Absolute figuresPercentage change
20172016 - 2017
Settled dentist man-years (public and private)4 041.50.7
Settled dental hygienist man-years (public and private)991.23.5
Dental specialists (public and private)473.43.4
Prioritised persons examined/treated840 618-2.8
Children and youth 3-18 years old, examined/treated692 472-2.6
Elderly, long term ill or disabled in home nursing, examined/treated35 813-2.3
Elderly, long term ill or disabled in institution, examined/treated31 423-1.3
Paying adult clients, examined/treated180 476-9.2
NOK 1000Percentage change
20172016 - 2017
Gross operating expenditures, dental health care3 477 2451.2
Gross operating expenditures, treatments of patients2 676 0882.3
Gross operating expenditures, joint functions801 157-2.3