
Interlinkages of creditor and debtors. Loan. NOK million.
1st quarter 2018Debtor sector
Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector.
Creditor sector
Non-financial corporations11 643 307-77015 16618 190298 536
Financial corporations1 482 905400 615359 4383 263 789403 751
General government87 160344 33382 96992 360305 877
Households & NIPSH77 00012 6081 24300
Rest of the world830 015110 645296 38019 9720
Non-financial corporations1100-11 298470-4 693
Financial corporations52 6273 667-3 91336 72261 684
General government-236 6160-93118 377
Households & NIPSH0-213700
Rest of the world-30 2444 68918 13800