
Stocks of securities registered with the VPS, by holding sector and type of security. Last quarter. Market value. NOK million
2nd quarter 2018
Shares (listed)Shares (unlisted)Equity certificatesLong-term debt securitiesShort-term debt securities
Total2 704 439441 33954 5632 034 817147 624
Non-financial corporations337 090232 2966 93142 64013 970
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government00000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government3 11781903 40513 586
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government10000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government1 1146847814 587343
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises330 924230 1556 79320 86541
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises8825381030
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1 846385523 6790
Financial corporations262 697123 11111 1751 290 45493 487
Norges Bank00000
Banks7 58730 2961 319442 68230 893
Mortgage companies03684 6935 917
Finance companies01050
State lending institutions etc.2611 507000
Financial holding companies3 15942 30325 721174
Mutual funds145 0541 3165 483286 56425 087
Investment trusts and private equity funds7 7994 8461881 0370
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds72 54236 5982 5684 5233 411
Life insurance companies and pension funds23 9495 6631 392403 16722 710
Non-life insurance companies2 34757921862 0625 295
General government914 1711 782148118 79530 672
Central government913 7251 0422108 68030 659
Local government44674014610 11613
Non-profit institutions serving households31 8461 58719 4847 442684
Households97 10824 2719 3798 60455
Unincorporated enterprises within households1981260
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.00000
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.97 08924 1909 3778 59855
Rest of the world1 061 36558 2047 434566 8698 756
Unspecified sector1618811140