
Net purchases of securities registered with the VPS, by purchasing sector and type of security. Latest quarter. Market value. NOK million
2nd quarter 2018
Shares (listed)Shares (unlisted)Equity certificatesLong-term debt securities issued in NorwayShort-term debt securities issued in Norway
Total698-11428326 152-8 623
Non-financial corporations-1 7632 263260-1 737-4 676
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government00000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government-2 14330228-3 117
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government....000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government46-75-31-1 655-1 555
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises3212 343292-244-4
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises12-31-60
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1-4-2-600
Financial corporations1 5521 49927621 341-3 667
Norges Bank0..000
Banks5044784822 035924
Mortgage companies0....1 900930
Finance companies0..0..0
State lending institutions etc...51000
Financial holding companies513....684174
Mutual funds2 69021086670-3 290
Investment trusts and private equity funds243-21612870
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds-2 1021 28311279179
Life insurance companies and pension funds-96-3048-1 565-1 585
Non-life insurance companies-199-211-2 548-1 000
General government631-2167-14 636-1 032
Central government641....-14 585-1 032
Local government-10-2167-510
Non-profit institutions serving households-9522-285-173-1
Households-1 324-142173-374-9
Unincorporated enterprises within households11..-10
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.0....00
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.-1 325-144173-372-9
Rest of the world1 677-3 541-14821 730764
Unspecified sector21101..