
Debt securities issued in Norway, by borrowing sectors and remaining maturity. Outstanding amounts at face value (NOK million)
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Original maturity
Outstanding amounts in total from debt securities issued in Norway147 64817 578597 848848 858519 04646 7832 177 761
Non-financial corporations19 2654 015136 309129 99847 4746 714343 775
Banks1 3351 887159 978115 05725 34320 471324 071
Other financial corporations05 881102 700404 12455 24515 439583 389
Central government and social security funds74 0000037 000362 515.473 515
Local government52 9242 97149 27042 7547 865261156 045
Non-profit institutions serving households
Rest of the world1252 824149 591119 92620 6043 898296 968
Remaining maturity
Outstanding amounts in total from debt securities issued in Norway448 478319 340963 514379 17926 48240 7682 177 761
Non-financial corporations47 00954 537156 61672 41410 3222 877343 775
Banks57 72159 244144 19440 4422 15020 319324 070
Other financial corporations62 917132 133317 76247 8778 56014 139583 388
Central government and social security funds150 5150149 000174 000..473 515
Local government70 32618 89246 50818 8191 500.156 045
Non-profit institutions serving households00....0
Rest of the world59 99054 535149 43325 6273 9503 433296 968