
Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
2nd quarter 2018Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-1 003 233-108 0548 060 325184 4937 133 531
Assets1 642 2493 581 8888 665 759283 85514 173 751
Cash and currency, etc.017 8610017 861
Deposits34 105714 42316 5827 046772 156
Debt securities16 5271 173 8912 638 3065 2443 833 968
Loans304 077387 198273 7250965 000
Equity956 859826 3585 687 76451 2757 522 256
Investment fund shares or units1 103237 05569623 699262 553
Insurance and pension entitlements014 0570014 057
Other accounts receivable329 578211 04548 686196 591785 900
Liabilities2 645 4823 689 942605 43499 3627 040 220
Cash and currency, etc.017 9700017 970
Deposits01 441 926001 441 926
Debt securities421 6211 501 167289 74702 212 535
Loans807 848114 712269 20219 9721 211 734
Equity1 318 697303 986001 622 683
Investment fund shares or units0115 82700115 827
Insurance and pension entitlements027 7200027 720
Other accounts payable97 316166 63446 48579 390389 825