
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations. Non-profit foundations. NOK million1
1Figures for 2012 and 2013 are revised. Updated figures can be found in the StatBank source table.
Income statement
Operating income27 93228 97530 635
Operating expences27 23528 19929 907
Payroll expences12 60613 80414 243
Operating profit697776729
Financial items, net565286156
Operating profit before tax1 2621 062885
Net profit1 2941 030805
Balance sheet
Fixed assets19 59119 87120 379
Intangible fixed assets586537485
Tangible fixed assets14 29314 62715 191
Financial fixed assets4 7124 7084 703
Current assets16 21817 39519 522
Debts2 7152 8062 965
Securities and other financial current assets4 3864 9865 120
Cash and bank deposits8 6359 09810 938
Total assets35 81037 26639 901
Equity20 29821 14623 399
Liabilities15 51116 12016 502
Provisions1 4921 5281 513
Long-term liabilities7 4987 3716 998
Short-term liabilities6 5227 2227 990
Equities and liabilities35 81037 26639 901
Key figures
Equity ratio56.756.758.6
Current ratio2.492.412.44
Number of enterprises2 3322 2022 110