
Mortgage companies. Loans by industry. NOK million
June 2018July 2018August 2018September 2018
1Due to the main revision of the national accounts in 2014 there is a new definition of Mainland-Norway. Parts of the industry of ‘Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Mining and quarrying’, also a part of the industry of ‘Sea transport abroad’ and ‘Transport via pipelines’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Transportation and storage’. The shift will basically occur in the period from October to December 2014.
All industries170 414170 677171 786141 478
Agriculture2 3092 3482 3552 372
Fishing and hunting191196200202
Fish farming services600629634652
Mining and quarrying1109107112116
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas149484746
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas1111
Manufacturing industry1 1221 1331 1311 112
Ship and boat building54555662
Electricity and water supply194204204204
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal5 7335 7045 6965 675
Real estate development3 2143 1663 0422 856
Building and construction work beyond real estate development4 3114 3394 4043 621
Commodity trade etc2 1572 1762 1712 166
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines15 0905 0015 0774 754
Transportation and storage136 34736 24635 9459 960
Hotels and restaurants9349921 0141 017
Information and communication794797785783
Real estate, renting and business activities90 71790 81792 10692 734
Professional and financial services3 5903 5123 4803 136
Businesslike services6 1315 7775 7812 414
Other service activities6 5367 1967 3117 355