
Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
3rd quarter 20174th quarter 20171st quarter 20182nd quarter 20183rd quarter 2018
11st quarter of 2016: Closed series
21st quarter of 2016: Changes in complementary provisions is discontinued, the remaining items are continued
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance79 233103 98428 78861 01089 545
Gross premiums written70 12093 44823 68353 24178 269
Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-622-943-249-442-574
Transfers of premium reserve from other companies9 73511 4805 3548 21111 850
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance49 78965 29819 87137 12754 851
Gross claims payment40 93854 72514 31928 76943 088
Reinsurance share of gross claims payments-397-466-135-278-376
Other appropriations1..........
Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies9 24811 0405 6878 63612 138
Net change in technical provisions83 612118 97425835 75866 105
Premium reserve59 81686 7406 48333 23155 811
Other technical provisions2-2016 401-6-255-456
To/from revaluation reserve8 90218 003-11 135-5 273970
Means allocated insurance contracts15 0957 8304 9178 0549 780
Other operating income/ costs-4 508-4 235-1 041-2 528-4 380
Commision received82-271253639
Operating income, real property31423723821
Other operating income1 0341 7684988791 300
Personell costs2 1523 0566791 5452 942
Commision submitted592846216448635
Operating costs, real property11001
Depreciations of non-financial assets21028565145270
Other operating costs2 7011 5859751 6861 872
Investment income /costs27 25641 7088 30018 56726 444
Interest income bonds and certificates15 79323 7026 42811 46016 166
Interest income other assets4 5286 0701 2532 4763 853
Share dividend etc.7 99813 4058655 2967 378
Interest costs1 0621 468247665953
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets38 03652 272-13 70190716 440
Realized gains/losses11 56316 4414 7777 6639 980
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates9 10515 5193 1406 0539 985
Bonds and certificates-2461 044-590219-183
Financial derivatives3 054122 2181 543-153
Land and buildings5500391
Other realized gains/losses-356-1399-152-60
Net change in value26 47335 831-18 477-6 7566 460
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates19 67430 052-19 346-8 4991 506
Bonds and certificates-1 179-1 255-2 277-1 752-2 560
Financial derivatives4 069-404 7612 8524 832
Land and buildings......00
Other net change in value3 9087 075-1 6166422 682
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities6 6169 4582 2175 0717 091
Other result components-97-13-9-27-28
Tax8349674459371 431
Total Profitt/loss5 6868 4781 7634 1075 632
Balance on the technical account for life insurance4 59911 3131 5203 0044 677
Value-adjusted profitt/loss30 49342 203-4 0277 74117 708