
Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million1
3rd quarter 20174th quarter 20171st quarter 20182nd quarter 20183rd quarter 2018
11st quarter of 2016: The Equalization provision discontinued. The provision for unexpired risk is continued.
21st quarter of 2016: Closed series
Intangible assets5 8075 5345 9576 0285 946
Tangible fixed assets1 1511 1521 4171 4271 436
Land and buildings606641644673718
Machinery, equipment and vehicles545510773753718
Capital investments150 580153 154150 910148 592151 338
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates18 03018 46518 25622 36121 785
Shares in securities' fund34 04133 51432 67930 40833 280
Bonds and certificates97 471100 41998 22095 09795 246
Financial derivatives730506469383516
Other capital investments3072491 285343511
Loans2 7732 7433 0303 1453 188
Reinsurance share of technical provisions18 97919 76521 71420 74819 930
Remaining claims55 05352 46759 74759 31555 388
Insurance claims20 27520 98727 36026 89324 234
Other claims34 77931 48032 38732 42231 154
Cash and bank deposits9 3728 54211 96210 2638 890
Total assets243 715243 356254 737249 518246 114
Liabilities and equity capital
Eqiuty capital82 95278 29878 13779 42880 741
Deposit capital14 36014 90214 57414 59414 651
Company capital4 9324 9844 8344 8474 842
Share premium account3 7374 1674 1604 1604 160
Other deposit capital5 6915 7515 5815 5875 649
Retained earnings68 59263 39663 56364 83566 090
Other equity57 86363 39660 71759 49558 797
Not allocated profit10 729..2 8465 3407 293
Subordinated liabilities3 0683 0693 0643 1243 125
Bonds2 6902 6902 6912 6912 691
Other subordinated loans378378373433435
Technical provisions127 986124 327135 507133 185129 360
Gross provision for unearned premium31 88728 75439 07037 61833 718
Gross Provision for outstanding claims89 30189 30190 17689 29789 861
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates2..........
Equalization provision16 7996 2726 2606 2705 780
Other technical provision2..........
Provisions for other charges10 43910 50910 45810 46710 560
Provisions for pension1 6081 6251 4891 5031 596
Deffered tax7 7227 9357 9227 9217 872
Other provisions for charges1 1099491 0461 0431 091
Remaning liabilites19 27027 15327 57123 31322 329
Expences accrued1 1721 7981 4291 2711 431
Deffered income83258100133122
Payable tax2 4442 2971 5119721 502
Dividend..5 1964 442....
Insurance liabilities4 9264 5155 7895 9654 927
Other liabilities10 11712 42613 98814 61114 140
Financial derivatives528663312360207
Total libilities243 715243 356254 737249 518246 114
Number of companies8585838381
Loan with morgage on dwelling238232227237229