
Non-life insurance companies. Holdings of bonds and certificates by issuing sector. NOK Million
3rd quarter 20174th quarter 20171st quarter 20182nd quarter 20183rd quarter 2018
Sum all sectors97 471100 41998 22095 09795 246
Non-financial corporations12 82913 82813 41913 70713 869
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government1 4801 4231 5331 5961 506
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government4 9945 1455 0435 3435 303
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises6 3557 2606 8436 7687 060
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........
Financial corporations39 05740 22538 90736 11937 284
Norges Bank..........
Banks15 37115 14713 74912 99613 828
Mortgage companies23 43124 74424 86122 87023 204
Finance companies..........
State lending institutions etc...........
Financial holding companies7996857373
Mutual funds..........
Investment trusts and private equity funds..........
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds2259584544
Life insurance companies and pension funds4643402020
Non-life insurance companies108137115115114
General government14 19814 31214 52614 88414 888
Central government6 0066 0865 1535 7855 110
Local government8 1928 2269 3739 1009 778
Non-profit institutions serving households..........
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........
Unspecified sector..........
Rest of the world31 38732 05431 36830 38629 206