
Generation, imports, exports and consumption of electricity. GWh
Production, totalHydro power productionThermal power productionWind power productionImportsExportsGross consumptionConsumption in the power stationsPump storage consumptionLoss and statistical differenceNet consumption
2001121 608121 0265552710 7607 162125 2066738059 967113 761
2002130 473129 837561755 32915 002120 8006026659 338110 195
2003107 245106 08494321813 4725 587115 1304888637 950105 829
2004110 472109 29192925215 3343 842121 9645697289 335111 332
2005137 811136 4528604993 65315 695125 7696351 0919 995114 048
2006121 400119 7291 0356369 8028 947122 25556751510 073111 100
2007137 164134 7361 5368925 28415 320127 1285581 54310 417114 610
2008142 108139 9811 2149133 41417 291128 2316371 3389 948116 308
2009131 773126 0774 7199775 65014 633122 7906591 1358 629112 367
2010123 630117 1525 59987914 6737 123131 1805605749 490120 556
2011127 631121 5534 7951 28311 25514 329124 5575441 8077 263114 943
2012147 716142 8103 3581 5484 19022 006129 9005601 5369 098118 706
2013133 975128 6993 3951 88110 13515 140128 9706207868 024119 540
2014141 968136 1813 5702 2176 34721 932126 3836929977 637117 057
2015144 511138 4503 5462 5157 41122 038129 8846931 6127 530120 049
2016148 989143 4173 4562 1165 74122 151132 5795638727 697123 447
2017149 402143 1123 4362 8546 11221 276134 2387181 0657 625124 830