
Acquisition and sale of fixed assets, by type of capital. NOK million1
1Gross fixed capital formation = acquisition - sale of fixed assets.
Fixed assets, total29 8062 218
Water power plants758181
¬ Waterfall rights253
¬ Waterway regulations733178
Hydro-electric power stations4 272586
¬ Building construction, hydro-electric power stations2 364352
¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, hydro-electric power stations1 908234
Thermal power plants304145
¬ Building construction, thermal power plants162145
¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, thermal power plants1420
Windpower plants4 070123
¬ Building construction, windpower plants2 012123
¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, windpower plants2 0580
Transmission systems16 003713
¬ Central grid systems7 015147
¬ Regional grid systems2 506234
¬ Local grid systems6 483332
District heating494
¬ Production plants130
¬ Distribution systems364
¬ Other, district heating00
Other fixed assets, total4 349466
¬ Control centers431
¬ Street and road lighting20
¬ Motor vehicles and other transport equipment202104
¬ Construction machinery1921
¬ Office equipment36062
¬ Offices and premises16362
¬ Dwellings for employees810
¬ Land311
¬ Other property87214
¬ Construction roads383
¬ Tele93785
¬ Fixed assets, other1 673104