
Members of congregations in religious and philosophical communities outside the Church of Norway, by religion/philosophy and county12
TotalBuddismIslamChristianityOther religion3PhilosophyTotalBuddismIslamChristianityOther religion3Philosophy
1Does not include members living abroad. This means that the total sum of members on county level will be lower than the total number of members of regligious communities and life stance communities
2Including only members for whom government subsidy is sreceived.
3Include Bahài, Judaism, Sikhism and other relgions. One community for for Judaism and Sikhism is not represented in the statistics for 2012.
Total619 22217 351153 067339 49216 39392 919655 06020 077166 810354 95118 19495 028
Østfold41 5751 47311 69123 4574524 50243 9141 54912 89524 2855084 677
Akershus79 5922 52018 66741 4383 22313 74486 3243 05521 33344 3133 63713 986
Oslo140 6313 39058 25953 8966 01719 069148 2743 90962 46256 0096 63819 256
Hedmark14 1703752 7987 7781673 05215 1645253 0038 3191843 133
Oppland12 2193702 7276 4491582 51513 0114632 9996 8031512 595
Buskerud37 94399011 95718 7951 5144 68740 3371 12712 59219 9371 8434 838
Vestfold29 9858665 34418 1695865 02031 2489685 54418 9756235 138
Telemark23 0984484 20615 4971042 84323 6715114 42915 7251322 874
Aust-Agder15 8452781 60612 319751 56716 5243861 85612 573791 630
Vest-Agder30 1767153 95222 8561612 49231 4449854 26723 4541612 577
Rogaland54 5961 64610 04735 0481 1016 75458 0871 88011 12736 8201 2716 989
Hordaland49 7211 3216 63232 8771 1137 77852 1781 5577 46033 9751 1947 992
Sogn og Fjordane5 8801061 0693 635859856 3741281 2563 882981 010
Møre og Romsdal19 5437502 31013 2575442 68220 7827872 64114 0595362 759
Trøndelag......34 8571 4576 81816 8807998 903
Sør-Trøndelag (-2017)25 6081 1974 61812 2287286 837......
Nord-Trøndelag (-2017)7 7902301 6403 940571 923......
Nordland15 0162882 5038 8781183 22915 7453472 7149 2411343 309
Troms - Romsa10 4252811 9125 6831142 43511 0112812 0226 1251232 460
Finnmark - Finnmárku4 844948403 073627755 1941189573 27462783
County not stated5651328921914309214443530221119