
Property account for households12
20172016 - 2017
Average for households with different property holdings (NOK)Share of households with different property holdings (per cent)NOK millionPercentage change (NOK million)
1Students not included.
2All wealth items are based on market value or assumed sales value before any tax valuation discount.
3From 2017 it is possible to own listed shares and mutual fund holdings through a share savings account.
Estimated real capital3 633 00082.07 054 4437.5
Estimated market value primary dwelling3 622 50069.45 953 7618.1
Estimated market value secondary dwelling2 778 40010.1662 3035.2
Gross financial capital1 243 70099.12 920 62313.3
Bank deposits491 70099.11 154 3004.4
Shares and other securities2 624 50020.41 269 55919.9
Share savings account3488 4007.485 676.
Units of mutual funds212 20030.5153 365-10.5
Foreign taxable wealth excl. real properties474 7003.843 1585.3
Estimated gross wealth4 244 70099.29 975 0669.1
Debt1 661 40085.33 357 2566.2
Study debt234 00025.0138 4485.4
Estimated net wealth2 806 20099.66 617 81010.7
Positive net wealth3 555 80081.66 874 26010.4
Negative net wealth-603 30017.9-256 4503.5
Property taxes43 40014.514 92610.6