
Estimated investments current year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million.1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201820192019 / 20182019 / 2019
Collected in Q1 the same yearCollected in Q4 the previous yearCollected in Q1 the same yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q1 same year.
3Change in estimated investments for the same year, collected in Q4 in the previous year and Q1 same year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec225 953240 978244 75418 80183 7762
Extraction and pipeline transport160 010175 251172 71112 7018-2 540-1
Extraction of oil and natural gas158 036174 476171 94713 9119-2 529-1
Pipeline transport1 974775764-1 210-61-11-1
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying24 77527 31532 1947 419304 87918
Mining and quarrying1 1687061 41624821710101
Manufacturing23 60826 60930 7797 171304 17016
Food, beverages and tobacco5 1895 3916 6311 442281 24023
Food products4 8534 9876 1481 295271 16123
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather14916321465445131
Wood and wood products1 1101 3271 5544444022717
Paper and paper products5841 3481 419835143715
Printing, reproduction152137153111612
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac6 1587 5878 2322 074346459
Basic chemicals3 9253 7924 03010532386
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.2 2171 6492 183-34-253432
Basic metals3 2634 8404 7071 44444-133-3
Non-ferrous metals2 6644 1453 9741 31049-171-4
Fabricated metal products1 050936949-101-10131
Computer and electrical equipment777578724-53-714625
Machinery and equipment9911 0251 12012913959
Ships, boats and oil platforms2862715302448525996
Transport equipment n.e.c593460277-316-53-183-40
Repair, installation of machinery7165381 6969801371 158215
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.375358388133308
Electricity, gas and steam41 16838 41239 849-1 319-31 4374
Production of electricity16 45017 62218 0071 55793852
Transmission and distr. of electricity23 46019 43020 441-3 019-131 0115
District heating and gas1 2571 3601 40114411413
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods14 58516 00417 8143 229221 81011
Capital goods3 3692 9934 368999301 37546
Consumer goods5 7286 1127 2591 531271 14719
Durable consumer goods292285287-5-221
Non-durable consumer goods5 4365 8276 9711 535281 14420
Energy goods202 271215 869215 31313 0426-5560