
Final investments previous year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million.1
Final investmentsEstimated investmentsFinal investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201720182018 / 20172018 / 2018
Collected in Q1 the following yearCollected in Q4 the same yearCollected in Q1 the following yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in final investments, collected in Q1 in the following year.
3Change in estimated investments collected in Q4 and final investments collected in Q1, for the same year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec202 187221 546217 40115 2148-4 145-2
Extraction and pipeline transport148 809155 457151 8313 0222-3 626-2
Extraction of oil and natural gas146 645153 452149 6432 9982-3 809-2
Pipeline transport2 1642 0052 1882411839
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying21 98224 97825 5893 607166112
Mining and quarrying5791 2921 278699121-14-1
Manufacturing21 40323 68624 3122 909146263
Food, beverages and tobacco5 3476 0376 169822151322
Food products4 9115 5465 651740151052
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather15616318024151710
Wood and wood products9501 2171 30435437877
Paper and paper products53072475022042264
Printing, reproduction311230195-116-37-35-15
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac4 2535 8755 6341 38132-241-4
Basic chemicals3 0163 7703 56855218-202-5
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 7732 1122 218445251065
Basic metals4 1923 2283 322-870-21943
Non-ferrous metals3 8442 6342 676-1 168-30422
Fabricated metal products868803836-32-4334
Computer and electrical equipment847633621-226-27-12-2
Machinery and equipment64289898334153859
Ships, boats and oil platforms4345166191854310320
Transport equipment n.e.c3084483827424-66-15
Repair, installation of machinery5225068002785329458
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.272295298261031
Electricity, gas and steam31 39641 11239 9818 58527-1 131-3
Production of electricity10 61016 20515 4694 85946-736-5
Transmission and distr. of electricity19 82323 78723 4833 66018-304-1
District heating and gas9631 1201 029667-91-8
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods13 45614 72514 8931 437111681
Capital goods2 5972 9673 4188213245115
Consumer goods5 7396 2326 32358410911
Durable consumer goods274248234-40-15-14-6
Non-durable consumer goods5 4645 9846 089625111052
Energy goods180 394197 621192 76712 3737-4 854-2