
Mortgage companies. Loans by industry. NOK million
September 2018October 2018November 2018December 2018
1Due to the main revision of the national accounts in 2014 there is a new definition of Mainland-Norway. Parts of the industry of ‘Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Mining and quarrying’, also a part of the industry of ‘Sea transport abroad’ and ‘Transport via pipelines’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Transportation and storage’. The shift will basically occur in the period from October to December 2014.
All industries141 478141 913142 388141 882
Agriculture2 3722 2542 2992 345
Fishing and hunting202201211232
Fish farming services652505252
Mining and quarrying1116272626
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas146333333
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas1......
Manufacturing industry1 1121 9942 0242 063
Ship and boat building62636467
Electricity and water supply204210209219
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal5 6755 8095 8285 817
Real estate development2 8562 8412 8882 881
Building and construction work beyond real estate development3 6213 6783 7673 786
Commodity trade etc2 1662 1142 1462 125
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines14 7544 7504 6204 225
Transportation and storage19 9609 9289 8019 444
Hotels and restaurants1 0179969821 000
Information and communication783802815823
Real estate, renting and business activities92 73492 87493 17493 138
Professional and financial services3 1363 1583 1983 225
Businesslike services2 4142 5402 5942 642
Other service activities7 3557 3937 4537 533