
Producer price index. Weights by industrial activity.
Industrial ClassificationMarch 20191
Domestic and export market, totalDomestic marketExport market
1The weights are updated annually, and are valid for the entire year.
PPI total1 000.01 000.01 000.0
Mining and quarrying
SNN06 Extraction of oil and natural gas374.168.3623.3
SNN08 Other mining and quarrying4.45.73.4
SNN09 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction41.191.60.0
SNN10 Food products123.0213.049.6
SNN11 Beverages7.315.30.8
SNN16 Wood and wood products19.539.82.9
SNN17 Paper and paper products11.013.49.0
SNN19 Refined petroleum products79.284.874.5
SNN20 Chemicals, chemical products36.228.042.9
SNN22 Rubber and plastic products7.411.44.1
SNN23 Non-metallic mineral products22.547.91.8
SNN24 Basic metals (total)49.110.780.4
SNN25 Fabricated metal products24.946.57.3
SNN26 Electronic and optical products15.112.517.3
SNN27 Electrical equipment16.019.413.3
SNN28 Machinery and equipment26.722.929.8
SNN31 Furniture4.98.62.0
SNN33 Repair, installation of machinery41.792.80.0
Electricity, gas and steam58.2118.39.3
Water supply5.011.10.0