
Imports of food and beverages, by commodity groups (SITC) and selected trade areas1
NOK MillionChange in per cent
2016201720182017 - 2018
1Food and beverages principally according to the definition of the WTO ( and is defined as the sum total of commodity groups 0,11,22 and 4 in the nomenclature of SITC.
Total58 17158 70161 8675.4
EU35 83936 16437 5683.9
Developing countries14 04613 48214 1625.0
Other countries8 2859 05510 13711.9
Food and live animals
Total43 20943 38346 1046.3
EU27 04627 42529 0565.9
Developing countries11 19710 57910 529-0.5
Other countries4 9675 3796 51921.2
Total5 9236 1936 6307.1
EU5 0795 3545 8038.4
Developing countries309275179-35.1
Other countries53656464914.9
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes
Total7 1307 1237 2451.7
EU3 5573 2442 513-22.5
Developing countries1 4971 4672 09642.8
Other countries2 0752 4122 636244.5
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
Total1 9092 0011 888-5.6
Developing countries1 0431 1601 35917.1
Other countries707700587-16.1