
Financial holding companies. Profit and loss account. NOK Million
Operating income9 65511 48115 91824 37121 229
Income from ownership i group- and assosiated companies9 36111 14415 58523 30620 860
Other operating income2943373331 065369
Operating expenses.8481 0071 0631 002928
Personnel costs677759912852872
Other operating expenses.12019314414551
Financial income and expenses-326376-191-321-233
Interest income from securities5448524343
Other interest income(2).220165888181
Dividends on shares, unit trust and equity certificates, excluding ownership interests316213316938
Interest expenses of securities5762221068480
Other interest expenses10253402478541
Net profit etc. on capital assets-1818..2520
Net profit etc. on short-term investments and currency.-20-4450-14-76
Net other financial items21502-6-62282
Profit/loss on ordinary activities.8 48010 85114 66423 04720 067
Taxes on ordinary activities4582 397623694453
Net extraordinary income......10
Taxes on extraordinary result..0..0-3
Profit/loss8 0228 45314 04122 35419 618
Allocations and transfers8 0228 45314 04122 35419 618
Dividens6 4947 64812 94713 03115 028
Transfered/received group contribution-1-1-3..1 469
Transferred to/from revaluation reserve.....
Transferred to/form other equity.1 5308051 0979 3233 121