
Passenger transport by rail, by type of route
PassengersTransport performance
1 000 faresShare1 000 passenger kmsShare
All routes77 740100.03 721 895100.0
Local trains - all routes56 93573.21 582 84242.5
Lokal trains Oslo40 98852.7921 06424.7
Airport Express6 8268.8356 3099.6
Gjøvik line1 5632.076 7652.1
Local trains Stavanger4 3225.680 2922.2
Local trains Bergen1 7762.368 0801.8
Local trains Trondheim1 4531.980 3322.2
Regional trains - all short routes1 7932.3102 2032.7
The Røros Railway4470.654 4401.5
The Flåm Railway9721.321 3820.6
Other regional train routes - short routes3740.526 3810.7
InterCity - All routes15 09619.4922 53524.8
InterCity - Oslo - Halden2 6443.4204 8085.5
InterCity - Oslo-Lillehammer5 6597.3335 1289.0
InterCity - Oslo-Skien6 7938.7382 59910.3
Night trains and long-distance traffic - all train routes3 4744.51 076 13428.9
The Sørland Railway9851.3258 4196.9
The Bergen Railway1 1771.5360 9629.7
The Dovre Railway8391.1307 7768.3
The Nordland Railway4740.6148 9774.0
Boundary crossing trains4420.638 1801.0