
Mainland exports by county of production.1
NOK MillionChange in per centNOK Million - so far this yearChange in per cent
May 2018May 2019May 2018 - May 2019So far this yearMay 2018 - May 2019
May 2018May 2019
11) County of production is defined as the county with the highest value added. Where the export consists of a mix of goods from different counties, and the county of production is difficult to determine, the goods are regarded as originating from several counties. Where the value of an imported intermediate good is more than doubled, the good is considered to be produced in Norway. Otherwise, it is considered to be an export of a good produced abroad.
The whole country37 54641 66411.0184 676201 6979.2
County of production
Østfold1 4601 257-13.96 9177 1533.4
Akershus55365919.22 5544 00656.9
Oslo56676535.23 0883 3699.1
Hedmark36240411.61 8522 10713.8
Oppland53260313.33 3493 222-3.8
Buskerud1 2861 026-20.25 1294 923-4.0
Vestfold1 8481 699-8.19 6059 7131.1
Telemark2 1701 867-14.09 7309 9692.5
Aust-Agder293281-4.11 4331 372-4.3
Vest-Agder2 7413 18516.212 96014 73013.7
Rogaland3 6364 07212.017 05218 5799.0
Hordaland6 6367 44612.233 88533 193-2.0
Sogn og Fjordane1 1971 2333.05 6995 9173.8
Møre og Romsdal2 8454 09543.915 51719 79727.6
Trøndelag2 2362 419.10 87310 991.
Sør-Trøndelag (-2017)......
Nord-Trøndelag (-2017)......
Nordland2 5082 5331.011 55112 5028.2
Troms - Romsa1 0081 0665.84 3004 82712.3
Finnmark - Finnmárku55865617.62 9363 46818.1
Jan Mayen--.--.
Norwegian goods produced in several counties1 2221 189-2.76 2776 5564.4
Re-exports of goods produced abroad3 3044 48435.716 29821 49831.9
County not stated5877243 6403 8044.5