
Families and households
Private households2 409 2572 439 242
Living alone928 483948 474
Couples without children577 429587 608
Married couples with children 0-17 years320 135317 028
Cohabiting couples with children 0-17 years170 042172 272
Mother/father with children 0-17 years113 152110 578
One-family households with adult children180 522182 848
Two or more-family households without children 0-17 years87 85888 477
Two or more-family households with children 0-17 years31 63631 957
Persons in private households5 240 1145 277 899
Number of persons per private household2.172.16
Population by type of households5 283 1005 316 388
Private households5 240 1145 277 899
One-family household4 854 6594 890 820
Two or more-family households385 455387 079
Other households42 98638 489