
Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance131 726106 117104 597103 984..
Gross premiums written92 80991 78594 08493 448..
Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-1 081-1 190-1 039-943..
Transfer of premium reserve from other companies39 99815 52211 55211 480..
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance92 70372 69162 61565 298..
Gross claim payment47 31450 06351 82954 725..
Reinsurers share of gross claim payments-531-805-598-466..
Other provisions713458......
Transfer of premiumreserve etc. to other companies45 20722 97611 38411 040..
Net change in technical provisions98 38969 17793 644118 974..
Premium reserve73 28043 47773 47086 740..
Other technical provisions5 1934 3328 6766 401..
To/from revaluation reserve14 2801 6165 33118 003..
Means allocated to insurance contracts5 63619 7536 1677 830..
Other operating income/ costs-5 654-6 148-8 066-4 235..
Commisions received12255-193-271..
Operating income, real property454318342..
Other operating income1 5791 3071 6091 768..
Personnel cost2 6432 9892 8833 056..
Commisions submitted9661 002987846..
Operating costs, real property4221..
Depreciations of non-financial assets365295572285..
Other operating costs3 4233 2655 2221 585..
Investment income /costs34 46740 92236 07241 708..
Interest income from bonds and certificates21 95921 19822 20023 702..
Interest income other assets5 6277 5624 7596 078..
Share dividend etc.8 14713 58310 76013 405..
Interest costs1 2661 4211 6471 476..
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets36 6399 29329 08052 272..
Realized gains/losses13 0624 25815 90716 441..
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates20 34921 8198 30915 519..
Bonds and certificates3 1303 5022981 044..
Financial derivatives-10 563-21 7187 24112..
Land and buildings31105..
Other realizes gains/ losses14365449-139..
Net change in value23 5775 03513 17335 831..
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates23 7582 0228 39330 052..
Bonds and certificates4 481-307-1 958-1 255..
Financial derivatives-8 0631 7763 523-40..
Land and buildings-4412142....
Other net change in value3 4441 5333 0737 075..
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities6 0868 3165 4249 458..
Other result components-550312-127-13..
Tax620-1 750-286967..
Total Profitt/loss4 91710 3785 5848 478..
Balance on the technical account for life insurance3 38217 5474 9274 886-6 706
Value-adjusted profitt/loss20 3679 93210 75427 460..