
Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
2nd quarter 20183rd quarter 20184th quarter 20181st quarter 20192nd quarter 2019
11st quarter of 2016: Closed series
21st quarter of 2016: Changes in the equalization provision are discontinued. Changes in the provisions for unexpired risk is continued.
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance33 51451 00868 64017 30135 679
Gross premiums written48 53764 52681 68933 15652 659
Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-7 072-9 376-11 503-4 771-6 834
Gross change in the provision for unearned premiums-8 223-4 574-1 040-12 885-11 455
Reinsurance share272432-5061 8011 309
Claims incurred and net change in technical provisions24 28636 93248 19613 61426 627
Gross claims payment28 18341 37756 84715 48930 057
Reinsurers share of gross claims payments-3 775-5 328-7 172-1 688-2 949
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims-1 121489-1 992-337-710
Reinsurers share, gross change in the provision for outstanding claims958360465140219
Bonus and rebates1..........
Net change in technical provision24134481010
Other operating income/ costs-6 484-9 930-13 500-3 406-6 973
Commision received9914018859108
Operating income, real property182759919
Other operating income327507689109248
Personell costs3 5695 6627 5851 9303 810
Commision submitted1 5512 3553 2148991 880
Operating costs, real property8111377
Depreciations of non-financial assets206329437125310
Other operating costs1 5932 2483 1886221 341
Investment income /costs1 7892 5973 3891 0932 051
Interest income1 4202 1563 0666981 511
Share dividend etc.446564489450645
Interest costs7712316754105
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets-114649-1 6985 4216 283
Net realized gains/losses1 8802 1662 2733 1953 577
Net change in value-1 995-1 517-3 9712 2262 706
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities4 4207 3928 6346 79410 413
Other result components-46-57-180....
Tax1 1101 7472 5596231 448
Total Profitt/loss3 2635 5885 8956 1718 966
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance3 0424 6267 5494422 410