
Mortgage companies. Loans by industry. NOK million
April 2019May 2019June 2019July 2019
1Due to the main revision of the national accounts in 2014 there is a new definition of Mainland-Norway. Parts of the industry of ‘Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Mining and quarrying’, also a part of the industry of ‘Sea transport abroad’ and ‘Transport via pipelines’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Transportation and storage’. The shift will basically occur in the period from October to December 2014.
All industries128 613128 445128 252127 854
Agriculture2 4172 4342 3202 330
Fishing and hunting249263266272
Fish farming services48476362
Mining and quarrying130384048
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas133333434
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas........
Manufacturing industry2 2032 2222 2482 298
Ship and boat building69676463
Electricity and water supply211210211222
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal6 0406 0656 0646 044
Real estate development1 3101 014989972
Building and construction work beyond real estate development3 8993 9724 0714 070
Commodity trade etc2 1312 0872 2052 242
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines13 7323 5883 0913 081
Transportation and storage19 2619 2419 2539 177
Hotels and restaurants806753760767
Information and communication862856890884
Real estate, renting and business activities82 15882 14682 22981 912
Professional and financial services3 1383 3113 2863 220
Businesslike services2 7202 7662 8282 854
Other service activities7 0857 1077 1147 069