
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations1
All foundationsNon-profit foundations
NOK millionPer centNOK millionPer cent
201720182017 - 2018201720182017 - 2018
1Figures for 2017 are revised. Updated figures can be found in the StatBank source table.
Income statement
Operating income (NOK million)47 86347 8470.030 62130 6240.0
Operating profit (NOK million)1 6041 109-30.972391526.6
Net profit (NOK million)5 9432 401-59.6799728-8.9
Balance sheet
Fixed assets (NOK million)104 534108 7234.020 37920 9522.8
Current assets66 11667 8392.617 64017 427-1.2
Equity133 736138 8613.821 51722 2293.3
Liabilities (NOK million)36 91337 7012.116 50216 150-2.1
Per centPercentage pointsPer centPercentage points
Key figures
Equity ratio (per cent)78.478.60.256.657.91.3
Current ratio (per cent)5.125.11-0.012.442.35-0.09
Number of enterprises6 3526 448962 1102 1166