
Non-life insurance companies. Holdings of bonds and certificates by issuing sector. NOK Million
3rd quarter 20184th quarter 20181st quarter 20192nd quarter 20193rd quarter 2019
Sum all sectors95 29193 63097 14397 20097 559
Non-financial corporations13 86913 83314 09215 68614 656
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government1 5061 4611 5371 7111 579
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government5 3035 2845 2055 0844 916
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises7 0607 0897 3508 8918 162
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........
Financial corporations37 32936 22338 49237 07436 555
Norges Bank..........
Banks13 85813 23914 10914 41614 502
Mortgage companies23 20422 81424 19722 47821 938
Finance companies..........
State lending institutions etc...........
Financial holding companies7346514315
Mutual funds..........
Investment trusts and private equity funds..........
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds445552
Life insurance companies and pension funds206666
Non-life insurance companies12911312512592
General government14 88814 10815 65412 77313 059
Central government5 1104 8026 0374 5243 743
Local government9 7789 3069 6178 2499 316
Non-profit institutions serving households..........
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........
Unspecified sector..........
Rest of the world29 20629 46528 90631 66733 289