
Investments. Collected in Q1. Per cent and NOK million1
Final investments collected in Q1 the following year
2019 / 201820182019
1Values at current prices
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec14.8217 401249 661
Extraction and pipeline transport16.9151 831177 542
Manufacturing28.224 31231 157
Mining and quarrying56.41 2781 999
Electricity, gas and steam-2.539 98138 963
Estimates collected in Q1 the same year
2020 / 201920192020
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec4.2244 754255 113
Extraction and pipeline transport7.4172 711185 427
Manufacturing-12.830 77926 826
Mining and quarrying51.21 4162 141
Electricity, gas and steam2.239 84940 719