
Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK million
1st quarter 20192nd quarter 20193rd quarter 20194th quarter 2019
Total1 249 0641 284 8221 312 8361 360 018
Non-financial corporations75 08077 35378 92183 438
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government7 2506 9276 4676 427
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government72666668
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government2 5612 2052 2581 564
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises61 56164 77166 35871 743
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises167167164167
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises3 4693 2173 6083 469
Financial corporations841 631865 215881 287903 188
Norges Bank0000
Banks28 79130 74231 03525 505
Mortgage companies183269170199
Finance companies25505051
State lending institutions etc.359649616499
Financial holding companies1794 0083 5083 448
Mutual funds161 005164 230157 212164 465
Investment trusts and private equity funds767223545655
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds99 318104 625107 225114 947
Life insurance companies and pension funds536 502546 338566 806579 070
Non-life insurance companies14 50214 08114 12014 349
General government16 25317 34417 47916 499
Central government487527679752
Local government15 76616 81716 80015 747
Non-profit institutions serving households33 21033 90233 78835 198
Households160 883163 994168 409182 403
Unincorporated enterprises within households29252427
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.3343
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.160 851163 966168 381182 373
Rest of the world121 851126 890132 834139 176
Unspecified sector156124118116