
Mortgage companies. Loans by industry. NOK million
October 2019November 2019December 2019January 2020
1Due to the main revision of the national accounts in 2014 there is a new definition of Mainland-Norway. Parts of the industry of ‘Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Mining and quarrying’, also a part of the industry of ‘Sea transport abroad’ and ‘Transport via pipelines’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Transportation and storage’. The shift will basically occur in the period from October to December 2014.
All industries128 887130 057128 831129 010
Agriculture2 3782 4022 4112 379
Fishing and hunting271273288264
Fish farming services8181156155
Mining and quarrying153555454
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas134343434
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas........
Manufacturing industry2 3872 4232 3272 344
Ship and boat building62626456
Electricity and water supply232247247244
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal6 1336 1356 1436 173
Real estate development903910922854
Building and construction work beyond real estate development4 1814 2254 2804 128
Commodity trade etc2 3502 3512 3292 276
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines12 7552 6192 3032 178
Transportation and storage19 1739 1158 9738 957
Hotels and restaurants539542528492
Information and communication633858845804
Real estate, renting and business activities83 07483 98683 25984 325
Professional and financial services3 2233 2763 2613 159
Businesslike services3 0823 1553 1403 130
Other service activities7 1007 0587 0296 785