
Interlinkages of creditors and debtors. Debt securities. NOK million.
4th quarter 2019Debtor sector
Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector.
Creditor sector
Non-financial corporations126 28267 41713 42820 957
Financial corporations186 756746 601234 2971 386 739
General government18 45539 07064 9442 818 909
Household & NIPSH3 4717 1787897 443
Rest of the world464 7701 704 454362 2290
Non-financial corporations1-740-133-2874 952
Financial corporations-2 130-11 3705 2944 029
General government-2 011-680-1 27896 709
Household & NIPSH-264-62236-286
Rest of the world-7 184-10 30526 2510