
Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
4th quarter 2019Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-1 095 945-84 3089 715 200215 1048 750 051
Assets1 839 7813 979 65210 463 250319 01716 601 700
Cash and currency, etc.020 6220020 622
Deposits19 025740 10916 9039 368785 405
Debt securities20 9571 386 7392 818 9097 4434 234 048
Loans304 399424 473335 19401 064 066
Equity1 144 921872 4557 273 51362 7189 353 607
Investment fund shares or units1 108290 47797126 213318 769
Insurance and pension entitlements015 0320015 032
Other accounts receivable349 37174 69212 473213 275649 811
Liabilities2 935 7264 063 960748 050103 9137 851 649
Cash and currency, etc.019 0630019 063
Deposits01 506 974001 506 974
Debt securities464 7701 704 454362 22902 531 453
Loans821 754115 876367 81822 2231 327 671
Equity1 532 422365 194001 897 616
Investment fund shares or units0139 17600139 176
Insurance and pension entitlements028 8180028 818
Other accounts payable115 83854 61414 38081 690266 522