
Estimated investments current year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201920202020 / 20192020 / 2020
Collected in Q2 the same yearCollected in Q1 the same yearCollected in Q2 the same yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q2 same year.
3Change in estimated investments for the current year, collected in Q1 same year and Q2 same year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec258 862255 113246 718-12 144-5-8 395-3
Extraction and pipeline transport183 738185 427180 314-3 424-2-5 113-3
Extraction of oil and natural gas183 058184 813179 726-3 332-2-5 087-3
Pipeline transport680615588-92-14-27-4
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying33 43928 96627 527-5 912-18-1 439-5
Mining and quarrying1 5542 1411 640866-501-23
Manufacturing31 88526 82625 888-5 997-19-938-3
Food, beverages and tobacco6 9487 9638 3651 417204025
Food products6 4177 6467 8941 477232483
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather224129159-65-293023
Wood and wood products1 2321 040922-310-25-118-11
Paper and paper products1 437599761-676-4716227
Printing, reproduction168140138-30-18-2-1
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac8 2445 6365 617-2 627-32-190
Basic chemicals4 0063 4113 210-796-20-201-6
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.2 1071 9812 044-63-3633
Basic metals4 3853 7553 634-751-17-121-3
Non-ferrous metals3 7403 0923 050-690-18-42-1
Fabricated metal products842994728-114-14-266-27
Computer and electrical equipment924673624-300-32-49-7
Machinery and equipment1 1191 6511 215969-436-26
Ships, boats and oil platforms541395356-185-34-39-10
Transport equipment n.e.c361310184-177-49-126-41
Repair, installation of machinery2 7931 122856-1 937-69-266-24
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.559437286-273-49-151-35
Electricity, gas and steam41 68440 71938 877-2 807-7-1 842-5
Production of electricity19 08319 71718 875-208-1-842-4
Transmission and distr. of electricity21 02219 30718 486-2 536-12-821-4
District heating and gas1 5791 6941 515-64-4-179-11
Main industrial groupings
Intermediate goods17 44814 59213 939-3 509-20-653-4
Capital goods5 6144 1863 171-2 443-44-1 015-24
Consumer goods7 5318 8898 9491 41819601
Durable consumer goods380384280-100-26-104-27
Non-durable consumer goods7 1518 5058 6681 517211632
Energy goods228 269227 445220 659-7 610-3-6 786-3