
Imports of food and beverages, by commodity groups (SITC) and selected trade areas1
NOK MillionChange in per cent
2017201820192018 - 2019
1Food and beverages principally according to the definition of the WTO ( and is defined as the sum total of commodity groups 0,11,22 and 4 in the nomenclature of SITC.
Total58 70161 86866 1707.0
EU36 16437 55139 5415.3
Developing countries13 48214 17315 66710.5
Other countries9 05510 14410 9638.1
Food and live animals
Total43 38346 09348 6605.6
EU27 42529 04530 5535.2
Developing countries10 57910 52511 3037.4
Other countries5 3796 5246 8044.3
Total6 1936 6327 1768.2
EU5 3545 8036 2237.2
Developing countries27517923431.3
Other countries56465071910.5
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes
Total7 1237 2538 38415.6
EU3 2442 5132 6033.6
Developing countries1 4672 1052 72029.2
Other countries2 4122 6353 061689.4
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
Total2 0011 8891 9493.2
Developing countries1 1601 3651 4083.2
Other countries70033439418.0