
Mainland exports by county of production, commodity groups by the SITC. NOK million
April 2020
Total mainland exportsDistribution by the SITC
Food, beverages and tobacco (SITC 0 and 1)Fish (subgruop 03 of SITC 0)Crude materials, except fuels (SITC 2 and 4)Fuels (SITC 3)Manufactured goods except food, beverages and tobacco (SITC 5-9)
1County of production is defined as the county with the highest value added. Where the export consists of a mix of goods from different counties, and the county of production is difficult to determine, the goods are regarded as originating from several counties. Where the value of an imported intermediate good is more than doubled, the good is considered to be produced in Norway. Otherwise, it is considered to be an export of a good produced abroad.
The whole country34 7028 5787 7872 0383 11720 970
County of production1
Viken2 780196430012 283
Vestfold og Telemark3 502220844942 901
Agder3 347933303 305
Rogaland2 8933923153007181 482
Vestland5 4191 5361 4242821 7271 875
Møre og Romsdal3 5481 7161 56916511 666
Trøndelag - Trööndelage2 4661 6251 608129-712
Nordland2 4661 2581 218247-962
Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku1 3061 1741 168322872
Jan Mayen------
Norwegian goods produced in several counties85942036524111880
Re-exports of goods produced abroad3 640611134283 517
County not stated1 11111398360961