
Sales of slaughtered fish for food. Quantity, by fish species and county. Tonnes1
TotalSalmonRainbow troutCharCodHalibutShellfishOther fish species
1The quantity is masured in round weight. The conversion factor for weight is changed from 2000.
2Preliminary figures.
2009961 469862 30574 30542120 9241 5681 728218
20101 019 810939 53654 67549221 2401 6102 001256
20111 143 9011 064 86858 55427615 2732 7671 926237
20121 321 1281 232 09474 67830910 0331 7402 001273
20131 247 8651 168 32471 552:3 7701 3852 363:
20141 332 4971 258 35668 986:1 3861 2572 016:
20151 380 8411 303 34673 007260:1 2442 773:
20161 326 1561 233 61987 853333:1 4602 213:
20171 308 4871 236 35466 999342:1 6232 450:
20181 354 9391 282 00368 345288:1 8421 721:
201921 445 5861 357 30483 054368:1 5242 149:
Rogaland92 92890 724:00::0
Hordaland (-2019)209 930167 49542 40600::0
Sogn og Fjordane (-2019)107 74587 99019 61900::0
Møre og Romsdal199 653186 653:000:0
Trøndelag - Trööndelage205 460201 575::001 2430
Nordland308 556302 178:245:0839:
Troms - Romsa (-2019)176 936176 9350000::
Finnmark - Finnmárku (-2019)120 971120 9450:000:
Other Counties23 40822 811260:00::