
C2 by debtor sector1
Stocks. NOK millionTransactions over past 12 months. NOK million12-month growth. Per cent
Municipal governmentNon-financial corporationsHouseholds etc.Municipal governmentNon-financial corporationsHouseholds etc.Municipal governmentNon-financial corporationsHouseholds etc.
1All growth calculations based on stocks that include foreign currency loans are adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations in order to eliminate changes not related to transactions. The growth calculations are also adjusted for statistical breaks that are not attributable to transactions or revaluation. This can cause deviation between stock changes and transactions.
April 2019527 3901 804 0213 510 83934 55297 658188 1327.05.85.7
May 2019529 4821 812 5533 532 55533 88797 303187 6596.85.75.6
June 2019530 0681 821 8013 554 73133 77499 826187 4396.85.85.6
July 2019531 9231 819 5353 558 97735 01399 606179 4557.05.85.3
August 2019533 0361 828 8003 574 94334 33898 473176 3176.95.75.2
September 2019533 6001 841 4573 593 03734 797118 888173 6147.07.05.1
October 2019538 6721 855 7833 613 29938 056106 193172 1657.66.15.0
November 2019544 3721 857 3983 625 43739 264100 246178 9527.85.75.2
December 2019550 4641 843 1233 628 51436 39186 094171 8337.14.95.0
January 2020555 5411 856 9853 640 84138 45280 080168 7017.44.54.9
February 2020561 2151 872 6963 649 12838 87474 382168 1547.44.24.8
March 2020562 1271 904 8973 662 20136 17972 393164 6546.94.04.7
April 2020568 1381 907 3783 673 54440 74867 554160 8007.73.74.6