
Interlinkages of creditor and debtors. Loan. NOK million.
1st quarter 2020Debtor sector
Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector.
Creditor sector
Non-financial corporations11 620 6444 02119 45917 339372 676
Financial corporations1 651 981640 752459 6333 622 682545 624
General government86 192377 316137 919101 020275 695
Households & NIPSH88 14115 6931 67200
Rest of the world894 136134 032362 53222 2230
Non-financial corporations1-25-1 842768014 126
Financial corporations58 320151 980-2 07031 40162 058
General government-4 43710 81815 871888-76 252
Households & NIPSH088-5600
Rest of the world-17 40810 061-27 51400