
Immigrants by country background and educational attainment12
Level of education, in totalNo completed educationBelow upper secondary educationUpper secondary educationTertiary vokational education3Higher education, short4Higher education, long5
1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their education. From 2014, figures include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics for more information.
2Corrected 12 August 2020.
3Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as higher education.
4Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
5Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
Total715 23810 313226 147195 2348 695160 513114 336
Poland92 13412019 31943 37394614 37414 002
Sweden34 0851434 73112 04448011 2895 398
Germany23 281414 8685 8572485 9066 361
Iraq21 96654010 0295 1452144 5101 528
Lithuania36 38217710 64710 60425210 3744 328
Denmark18 150192 7536 8514164 9343 177
Somalia25 5191 80916 5414 5151382 090426
Pakistan19 9928969 1304 0841883 5672 127
Iran17 4393955 2393 9313454 2393 290
Philippines21 5771335 1414 9213038 2852 794
Vietnam13 9055775 6923 8612202 3451 210
Russia17 047374 0603 3472593 7465 598
Bosnia-Herzegovina13 6011012 7855 5121973 4501 556
United Kingdom13 861462 1322 7601575 4673 299
Thailand19 39859510 0594 4971483 190909
Turkey11 6683585 9092 8671131 554867
Afghanistan16 0669639 3293 179771 937581
Kosovo10 127863 8053 7811141 936405
Sri Lanka9 0231093 5312 8292641 617673
United States8 551269131 163903 1743 185
India12 710901 8611 3361174 9134 393
China8 8951241 8291 368752 3963 103
Eritrea20 01136314 1323 2552311 661369
Chile6 025611 5872 2141531 448562
Finland6 313158041 9551742 0721 293
Netherlands7 298189352 019762 3691 881
Latvia9 549362 5223 404872 3581 142
Romania13 746313 5294 5931333 0682 392
Iceland6 198101 5051 9192511 617896
Morocco5 9123742 7401 46672993267
Ethiopia7 5571643 3991 6681231 354849
France5 27810615606361 5502 461
Estonia4 187181 0811 495531 058482
Brazil5 099601 6621 023801 0941 180
Ukraine5 50118819828811 4412 314
Bulgaria6 572291 9942 029691 2641 187
Croatia4 679261 2831 81160884615
Spain5 557181 345795421 4271 930
Slovakia3 529215391 73438546651
Myanmar3 037781 74968835379108
Serbia6 186111 3501 918991 4041 404
North Macedonia2 801461 16287323466231
Hungary3 560115851 07945905935
Italy4 11812877880286781 643
Palestine2 916151 27755837700329
Lebanon1 8612981343521376187
Canada1 924522125823695722
Czech Republic2 0521324170224483589
Ghana1 9601852342433473489
Congo2 8451251 45559757470141
Syria22 70251515 1411 6921553 9351 264
Australia1 678323422931664517
Portugal3 08720954597164921 008
Sudan3 915982 25355031685298
Colombia2 0771150838536492645
Switzerland1 404319734818416423
Nigeria1 8273445437727436499
Kenya1 7261354338634524226
Algeria1 2352242031714260202
Indonesia1 382533026414406363
Austria1 260316534017280455
Gambia1 155264854133115248