
Investments. Collected in Q3. Per cent and NOK million1
Estimates collected in Q3 the same year
2020 / 201920192020
1Values at current prices
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec-2.0256 801251 746
Extraction and pipeline transport1.6181 729184 562
Manufacturing-23.233 24125 539
Mining and quarrying-0.91 8701 853
Electricity, gas and steam-0.439 96139 792
Estimates collected in Q3 the previous year
2021 / 202020202021
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec-13.2229 796199 505
Extraction and pipeline transport-14.6174 049148 614
Manufacturing-19.521 35717 183
Mining and quarrying187.71 2363 556
Electricity, gas and steam-9.133 15530 151