
Nursing and care services
Percentage changePercentage change
20192018 - 20192015 - 2019
1Home-based services: Home-nursing and home-help. Activity and facility services not included
2Includes nursing homes, retirement homes, relief institutions and dwellings for children. Dwellings for the elderly not included.
3Full-time equivalent (FTE): Figures for 2015-2019 were updated in March of 2020 with a new method that provides better information on settled percentage of FTE from 2015 onwards. The new method has consequences for contractual hours FTE.
4KOSTRA functions included: 234 Activity programmes, 253 Health and care institutions, 254 Home-based services, 256 Acute help, 261 Institutions buildings.
Home-based services (selected services)Users 12.31.
Assistance in daily living78 493-0.8-6.6
Home health services, includes both somatic and psychiatric care.163 2313.612.7
User-controlled personal assistance3 6044.114.6
Care benefits (benefits to individuals whom provides care on a voluntary basis to parents, spouses or others)10 2130.65.0
Percentage of inhabitants age 80 years and over that are home service users130.0-3.8-9.1
Nursing homesBeds 12.31.
Beds in total39 466-0.3-0.5
Percentage of private beds9.5-3.0-14.2
Institution services2Residents 12.31.
Long-term stay32 105-0.4-4.3
Short-term stay9 7848.05.2
Care and nursing services staff3Man-years
Man-years - total144 5813.110.3
of these...
Man-years in user directed services with health education108 1083.712.3
Percentage in user directed services with health education77.50.51.4
Nursing and care expenditure4NOK billions
Nursing and care expenditure, total129.46.126.5