
Families and households
Private households2 439 2422 475 168
Living alone948 474974 168
Couples without children587 608597 265
Married couples with children 0-17 years317 028312 968
Cohabiting couples with children 0-17 years172 272174 719
Mother/father with children 0-17 years110 578110 287
One-family households with adult children182 848183 627
Two or more-family households without children 0-17 years88 47790 741
Two or more-family households with children 0-17 years31 95731 393
Persons in private households5 277 8995 318 533
Number of persons per private household2.162.15
Population by type of households5 316 3885 353 899
Private households5 277 8995 318 533
One-family household4 890 8204 929 021
Two or more-family households387 079389 512
Other households38 48935 366